The master reading list – initial posting

Staying informed and continuously acquiring knowledge is key to maintaining one’s value. I’ve added a page where I’ll maintain the master list of knowledge sources that I typically scan through looking for interesting stuff to read.

Dedicated Link:


Getting Started:

  • The easiest way to aggregate all these sources of content is to use the portal to source in most of these sites which have RSS feeds.
  • Many of these sites have email subscriptions.
  • FlipBoard (the mobile app and website, is also another great way to subscribe to a large variety of sources.

User Groups & Communities


Leadership & Management

  1. HBR Tip of the Day:
  2. (also avail as an App, Facebook, and Twitter)
  3. FastCompany: (also avail as an App, Facebook, and Twitter)
  4. Forbes on Leadership:
  5. Yastrow:
  6. Stephen Shapiro:
  7. NY Times Corner Office:
  8. Lead On Purpose:
  9. Phil Gerbyshak:
  10. Steve Farber:
  11. Johanna Rothman:
  12. Leading Answers:
  13. John Agno:

Technology Management

  1. Baseline Magazine:
  2. CIO Insight:
  3. CIO Magazine:
  4. Forbes on Technology:

Technology Industry

  1. ReadWrite Web: 
  2. ThoughtWorks Technology Radar:
  3. The NextWeb:
  4. Digital Times:
  5. TechCrunch: (Mobile App Available)
  6. Engadget: (Mobile App Available)
  7. The Verge:
  8. TechRepublic:
  9. TechTarget:
  10. Ventana Research:

Startups / VCs / Lean Development

  1. VentureBeat:
  2. OnStartups:
  3. Software By Rob:
  4. Startup Lessons Learned:
  5. Founder Weekly:

Software Development – General

  1. SD Times:
  2. DZone:
  3. C# Corner:
  4. Joel on Software:
  5. Spring Blog:
  6. InfoWorld App Development:
  7. Successful Software:
  8. Status Code:

Software Development – Web Centric

  1. DailyJS:
  2. Sencha Blog:
  3. HTML5 Rocks:
  4. JavaScript Weekly
  5. Nic Raboy’s Blog:
  6. HTML5 Weekly:
  7. CSS Weekly:
  8. Web Tools Weekly:
  9. NG-Newsletter (AngularJS):

Software Development – Languages

  1. Ruby Weekly:
  2. Node Weekly (NodeJS):
  3. Python Weekly:
  4. PyCoders:
  5. TypeSafe NewsLettter (Scala, Akka, Play):
  6. This Week in Scala:
  7. DotNet Weekly:


  1. iOS Dev Weekly:
  2. Android Weekly:
  3. Mobile Web Weekly:
  4. Newsletter:


  1. Smashing Magazine:
  2. UX Matters:
  3. InspireUX:
  4. Web Design Weekly:


  1. Information Management:
  2. InfoWorld Big Data:
  3. Hadoop Weekly:
  4. Big Data Weekly:
  5. NoSQL Weekly:
  6. DB Weekly:
  7. Postgres Weekly:
  8. MySQL Weekly:

Agile & Project Management

  1. Source of Insight:
  2. Scrum Expert:
  3. Scrum Crazy:
  4. Eight To Late:
  5. RemoteWorking:


Written by Tariq Ahmed