Installing weceem cms

This week I’m looking into integrating a CMS into a Grails application. Initially there won’t be much tight integration but it could involve single sign-on and lead into much tighter application embedding CMS content.

As it happens, there is a CMS built on Grails called Weceem – it took some trial and error to get it working as the documentation could use a lot of work. Here are some tips if you’re trying to get it working on Mac OSX (as a quick and simple standalone development mode).


    • Download the tar.gz distribution of Tomcat.
    • Decompress Tomcat.
    • Copy the folder somewhere as desired, I used /opt/apache-tomcat-7.023. Check out this really good tutorial here.
    • Download the MySQL JDBC driver.
    • Copy the MySQL JDBC driver (i.e. the mysql-connector-java-{ver}-bin.jar file_ to {tomcat home}/lib. I read postings that say you can copy to a common/lib folder, but that didn’t seem to work.
    • Edit the {tomcat home}/conf/tomcat-users.xml file and add something along the following lines:
  <role rolename="admin"/>
  <user username="admin" password="admin" roles="manager-gui,admin"/>

Create a MySQL Database

  • Create a DB in MySQL called whatever you’d like (I used cms).
  • Create a username and password that has access to read/write/modify the schema.

Weceem config file

Create a file somewhere. /etc/ might be a good choice. It’ll look like the following, update accordingly.

# Control whether or not connection pooling is enabled


Make sure that whatever you set as the searchable.index.path is a directory that that the user Tomcat will run under has read/write access to.

Update your environment variables

Edit your ~/.profile and make sure you have the following lines, update path accordingly:

export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/Home
export CATALINA_HOME=/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.23
export JAVA_OPTS=-Dweceem.config.location=file:/Websites/cms/
export CATALINA_OPTS="-Xms756m -Xmx756m -XX:NewSize=256m
                      -XX:MaxNewSize=512m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"

Deploy Weceem

  • Download the Weceem.war file.
  • Copy the Weceem-{ver}.war file to {tomcat home}/webapps/weceem-{ver}.war.
  • You can rename the Weceem file to just Weceem.war if you’d like.

See what happens

  • Open a terminal window.
  • cd to {tomcat home}/bin
  • Type in ./ – you’ll see some stuff about environment variables, and the command line will return back to you.
  • Open another terminal window.
  • In the second terminal window, cd to {tomcat home}/logs, and type in tail -f catalina.out
  • You should eventually see a line that says “INFO: Server startup in xyz ms”
  • Open up a browser to http://localhost:8080/manager/html (use the username and password you set up when editing the tomcat-users.xml file above).
  • You should see the Weceem application listed and started. If it’s not started, click on the start button.
(click on image to enlarge)


  • Once running, just click on the left column (the path column) and it should load up the default Weceem page.
  • There’ll be a link on that page to edit content, the default admin user name and password is admin/admin.

Hope that helps save someone time who wants to tinker around with it.

Written by Tariq Ahmed